Command Reference:
Here's a comprehensive list of QuickEditor's command:
Apple Menu
File - Edit - Transitions - Video Effect - Window - Help
About... Shows a dialog box with copyright and version informations. Edit Menu
Digitize CLIP... Provided you have video digitizing hardware, brings a dialog that lets you digitize video. Open CLIP... Open a Clip. The Clip is a QuickTime movie or a picture file you can take parts of to paste into the MOVIE project. Close CLIP Close the CLIP and reset the CLIP Panel. Note that opening a new one will close the current CLIP automatically. New MOVIE... Create a new QuickTime movie, with custom spatial and temporal characteristics. The movie can consist of black frames only, or be generated with a QuickTime video effect (creating computer-generated flames or clouds). Open MOVIE... Open an existing QuickTime movie you can edit. Save MOVIE Save changes to the MOVIE. If you open an existing movie, a call to this command will automatically direct you to the Save MOVIE As... command. Once you have chosen a new name for the edited movie, you can freely use the Save MOVIE command. Save MOVIE As... Save the MOVIE with a new file name. If you open an existing QuickTime movie and edit it, you can't save it under the same name as the original file. You must use the Save MOVIE As.. command to save it under a different file name. Once this is done, you can call the Save MOVIE command. Export MOVIE... Export the MOVIE to a variety of picture, movie and sound formats. Close MOVIE Close the MOVIE and reset the MOVIE Panel. You will be reminded to save your MOVIE if it's been edited. Note that opening a new one will close the current MOVIE automatically. Enable AUDIO CLIP Digitizer Provided you have audio digitizing hardware, changes the CLIP Panel to uncover a 'record' button and a menu allowing you to change audio digitizing settings. Open AUDIO CLIP... Open an AUDIO CLIP. The AUDIO CLIP is a sound or movie file you can take parts of to add to the MOVIE sound track. Sound files can be of any QuickTime-supported format (wav, aiff, u-law, ...), it can also be a midi file (it has to be converted first to a *.mov file). Close AUDIO CLIP Close the AUDIO CLIP and reset the AUDIO CLIP Panel. Note that opening a new one will close the current AUDIO CLIP automatically. Exit Quit the program. You will be reminded to save your work.
Transitions Menu
Undo Undo the last editing operation. Set Start Point Set a Start Point in the CLIP, MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP. The Start Point sets the beginning of a Selection. Set End Point Set an End Point in the CLIP, MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP. The End Point sets the end of a Selection. Select All Sets the entire CLIP, MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP as the Selection. Reset Selection Resets Start and End Points Insert Insert the CLIP Selection (with or without transition), a frame from the CLIP, or the AUDIO CLIP Selection in the MOVIE Apply Apply a Video Effect or new Recompression settings to the MOVIE Selection Delete Delete the current Selection in the MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP Repeat Repeat the current Selection in the MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP a user-defined number of times. Useful to create audio loops in the AUDIO CLIP panel Set Selection
Playback RateSpeed or slow the rate of the current Selection in the MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP. Trim Keep the CLIP, MOVIE or AUDIO CLIP Selection and discard everything else. Compression Settings Set the QuickTime Compression characteristics of newly generated sequences (such as transitions and video effects). Video Digitizer Settings Set the source, compression settings, size, etc... of the video digitizer Audio Digitizer Settings Set the source, compression settings, quality, etc... of the audio digitizer
Video Effects Menu
Select... Select the QuickTime Transition you want to apply between the MOVIE and the CLIP Selection to be inserted. Insert CLIP Selection in
MOVIE with TransitionPaste the CLIP Selection into the MOVIE with the selected Transition between the two sequences. Duration Set the duration of the Transition Sound Track Select which sound track you want to hear during the Transition.
Window Menu
Select... Select the QuickTime Video Effect you want to apply on the MOVIE Selection. Render Mode
to MOVIE SelectionVideo effect and Transitions can be rendered once and for all (burnt) or rendered on the fly every time the movie is player (real-time) Apply Video Effect
to MOVIE SelectionActually apply the Video Effect to the Selection. Titling... Brings the Titling Tool dialog, so you can add text and titles to the MOVIE Selection
Minimal View Resizes the main window the its minimum size Sound Edit View Resizes the main window so that only sound-related Panels are visible Video Edit View Resizes the main window so that only video-related Panels are visible Full View All the Panels are visible.